Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

O, The Oprah Magazine (2-year)

Product Description

O, The Oprah Magazine gives confident, smart women the tools they need to explore and reach for their dreams, to express their individual style and to make choices that will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. With one of the most trusted women in America serving as the magazine?s inspiration, O serves as a catalyst for transforming women's lives.

This magazine offers all kinds of insight for how to become more knowledgeable about yourself and others. It offers the most extensive amount of information from reliable sources of any magazine. It is definitely worth the price of a subscription and warrants sharing with others when finished.

O Magazine is a real class act publication. But Ms O would not have it any other way. Its articles are great and the layout and ads are gorgeous. Thanks for a worthwhile read every month!

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